Thank you, Creative Santa Fe and SITE Santa Fe for hosting PechaKucha night on November 2, 2023. What an honor to be among such creative and inspiring community collaborators!


6 min 40 sec presentation by Christie Green HERE.

Wild-inspired Harvest Supper at El Nido. Tesuque, NM Saturday, October 14, 2023.

We enjoyed a fabulous four-course supper and live fashion runway show featuring the christie nell capsule collection. Thank you, Wendi and Anthony Odai, and the fabulous team at El Nido, as well as the enthusiastic, gracious guests who came and celebrated with us!

christie nell wild-inspired capsule collection launch event

May 19th 5-7 pm

1802 Second Street, Santa Fe, New Mexico, at the studio of Alexandra Eldridge.

Check out images and video clips from the fashion runway launch event at christie nell.

Moonlight Elk

bones, hide, casting of heart, red thread, chiffon

Photos by Christian Leahy

This cow, when she approached, screamed and cried, like a woman wailing in extreme pain.

She died on November 15, 2021 at around 7:15 a.m. after we encountered each other at a forest-meadow edge near Cabresto Creek north of Questa, New Mexico. She was the target of other hunters’ (likely poachers on illegally accessed private land) rifle shots. 

Her rear left leg and front right leg were shot, nearly severed. She dragged herself with her two able legs.

I made the choice to take the ultimate shot.

Please listen to excerpts from the story, The Last Time, and absorb scenes and sensations that I’ve photographed and filmed from this and other hunts over time in multiple eco-regions of New Mexico. The ocean scenes were filmed on Kachemak Bay, in my childhood home state of Alaska.

Close your eyes, place her on your tongue, allow her body into your own. How does she smell? Taste? What wisdom does she impart? Can you listen?

I offer the elk, the dream, the story as forms of gratitude and reverence, for her life, and for the water, soil, plants, air and all living systems which embody immeasurable intrinsic value.

Moonlight Elk

The Albuquerque Courier, 7.2.22

Liminal Landscapes

The Albuquerque Journal, 7.9.22

Photos by Christian Leahy

Photos by Christie Green

Liminal Dress

by Monah Li

cotton mesh, red thread, elk sternum bone

body topography painted by Ken Romig

Photo of dress by Christie Green

Photo of Christie Green and chiffon by Janie Chodosh

My Strange Heterology

Performance by Autumn Kioti,

Moonlight Elk: at rest

This iteration of the installation expresses protest against violation.

Sometime between July 21 and July 28, the hoof from the elk’s left rear leg went missing. Rather than risk further “taking”, I chose to release the elk from the threads, bone-by-bone, lay her to rest and bring her to safe shelter.

Participants at the 8.5.22 reception were offered morsels of her flesh as a form of communion, gratitude and nourishment.

Photos by Janie Chodosh

Liminal Landscapes

Opening reception July 1, 2022 5:00-8:00 pm

Second reception August 5, 2022 5:00-7:00 featuring “My Strange Heterology”

performance by Autumn Kioti.

Show runs through August 28, 2022

A sensual & sensory invitation into liminal space, the places in between:





Enter the DREAM, where BOTH/AND are allowed.

In collaboration with Danielle Rae Miller, Autumn Kioti, Toni Gentilli and Ken Romig.

North Fourth Art Space 4904 4th St Albuquerque, New Mexico